Safety & Sanitation

February 15, 2023
Safety & Sanitation

Guidelines to keep you safe & healthy as we re-open our doors.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and local governing bodies continue to release guidelines for keeping patrons safe and healthy during visits to the gym in the time of COVID-19. We are keeping a close eye on those guidelines to ensure that we remain in compliance with requirements and prioritize your health before all else. 

We have compiled a list of the practices that we have implemented in order to make sure that your experience at [GYM NAME] is not only fun and fitness-focused, but also safe. 

Pre-Arrival & Arrival Procedures

Utilizing Outdoor Space

Social Distancing & Limited Contact 

Extra Precautions with Equipment 

Wear a Cloth Face Covering 

As we discuss the things that we are doing in order to keep our community safe and healthy, it’s also worth acknowledging that there are also things that you can do to add to our efforts as well: 

We are so glad that you continue to prioritize your health and our community during this unprecedented time. You are each an example of overcoming challenges and embracing new ones - this is no different! Together we can keep moving toward fitness and care for one another. 

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