Becca Leong

February 15, 2023
Becca Leong

How did you feel before starting CrossFit?Before CrossFit, I was usually pretty tired and not entirely comfortable in my body. I knew I could be eating healthier and exercising more. It was something that was always in the back of my head, on my “to do” list. But it never seemed to happen consistently.What were your goals?I wanted to exercise consistently and start to feel comfortable in my own body. I wanted to be a good role model for my family, especially my children.What have you achieved during your journey?I can do multiple pull-ups! Before joining I could barely hold my own weight hanging from the bar!I'm so much more confident in my body, but more importantly, I'm confident in myself. I'm in the best shape of my life and I'm the strongest I've ever been, both physically and mentally. I never would have envisioned myself as the type of person who works out for fun, but here we are. I genuinely enjoy coming to class. Outside of class I've seen improvement as well. I am so much more patient with my kids, and my marriage has benefited as well.What are you most proud of?I'm proud of how I reached my initial goals, but still able to challenge myself to achieve newer and more ambitious goals that were previously unthinkable. I'm proud that my family is proud of me and can look to me for inspiration.What’s your favorite part of the Aero Health and Fitness experience?The Mahwah CrossFit community! Everyone is so amazing with how welcoming and supportive they are and I have made so many friends here. The coaches and members all share a common goal, whose mission is the personal success of every member.

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