Adventure, Fitness and Writing Your Own Story

February 15, 2023
Adventure, Fitness and Writing Your Own Story

We do this hard work in the gym to enable us to pursue adventure OUTSIDE the gym. On your deathbed, you might not care about your max-rep thruster, but you WILL be glad you climbed Mt Rainier in Washington. And the thrusters helped you do it.

In conversation with a friend this weekend, I mentioned that I was in the middle of tearing out a bathroom and moving heavy things. He said, “You seem able to do just about anything.” And that’s a great compliment.

Few of us will ever be the most intelligent of our circles.

Few of us will ever be the best-looking.

Few of us will be the most well off financially.

Few of us will get to the CrossFit Games or become a pro basketball player.

But ALL of us can be ABLE. And fitness creates that opportunity better than anything else.

You don’t need money to run a marathon. You don’t need to be a model to climb Mount Kilimanjaro or a millionaire to sail around the world. But doing ANY of these three would make you more interesting than any millionaire, model or professional athlete. Infinitely so.

You won’t be counting your money on your deathbed (I think if you have $5 left at the end, you should give it to whoever is around you and go out broke). You won’t gaze at old pictures of yourself or carry your trophies into the bright light. But your story, if you have a good one, will live on. So I want you to write a good one. Go Get It!

Our goal at Aero Health and Fitness is to create interesting experiences for you. To create new chapters, that lead to interesting novels or funny little episodes that will make people want to watch the reruns. Many times, when I see people outside the gym, they’ll say “Hey, remember that time I …” and share a story from my gym. Many people have rewritten their life story at Aero Health and Fitness/CrossFit Mahwah. Every year we work to help you have the opportunity to build new experiences and live life.

Even though we have been restricted in these hard time, there are always things to do, events to go to. Step outside your comfort zone, try something new. It will be awesome.

Having a training goal is valuable to the point of necessity. Having a road map to help you achieve it is critical. But finishing with a great story—that’s really the goal of all of it. And fitness is the platform to get you there.

Ride a bike, run a distance, or tear down a beaver dam: You’re going to need the gym.

The Crew at Aero Health and Fitness

Inspiration provided by Chris Cooper at

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