How To Get The Most Out Of Online Coaching

February 15, 2023
How To Get The Most Out Of Online Coaching

Everything we knew and took for granted has been temporarily taken away. Our solace, our outlet, our time to recharge by “going to the gym” is gone. But there is another way, granted it's not the same high fives, sweat angels, pumping music and interaction but it can work…

Online Coaching!

If you are lost or struggling to find your groove at home here is how to make online coaching work for you.

#1 - Be Clear With Your Goals
What do you want to achieve? In a general sense, most people fall into four categories; Lose Weight, Build Muscle, Maintain Health & Fitness, and Improve Performance. By providing clarity here this will help your coach have a better understanding, a 10,000’ view if you will of the direction you are headed. This information is important to creating a solid foundation, but  it’s not enough to fully leverage the knowledge and care of your coach. Get specific and let them lead you to where you want to go.

Coaching Online is amazing, it allows us to give you exactly what you need!

What are your goals?

Are you limited in space, time, or motivation?

Do you just need someone to check-in and make sure you are staying sane?

What equipment do you have?

Have you established a routine?

Are you eating too much or too little?

Individualized coaching sets you up for what you view as success. Be open and honest with what you need now and let your coach help you.

#2 Communicate with Your Coach Regularly
Coaching goes way beyond writing workouts… it's about communication and support. Sending videos of you doing 20 burpees after you ate that pint of ice cream because you feel guilty about it is ok.

It's just a perfect example of someone struggling with their health and fitness and reaching out for support.

The Struggle is real, many of us feel like we are slipping away from what we had achieved. Some of you have been working out for a long time, and many have just started their fitness lifestyle. No matter where you are, we all have difficulties maintaining a positive attitude in these uncertain times.

Your coach is there to help you push through the resistance. If you are feeling down and out contact them ASAP so they can get you back on track.

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