Our Why - Our Purpose - Our Mission

Steve Grant
February 15, 2023
Our Why - Our Purpose - Our Mission

May 2020 marks 4 years of our ownership of Aero Health and Fitness. This is a big milestone for us and the community. We celebrate this anniversary, and the man who made it possible, by sharing our “Why” with all of you. Dee’s father, Joe Miccoli gave us the tools to move forward with the gym just days before he lost his battle with pancreatic cancer. Papa (that’s what Dee called him) loved life and helping others. He believed in us and our desire to make an impact! This is his legacy!

We have had a passion for helping people and changing lives for the better part of our adult lives. If you have not read our journey, please take a moment to do so. Collectively, Denise and I have been helping people like you for 40 plus years!

Along our fitness journey, we have seen many changes including the gimmicks, fads and quick fixes. We remain wary of those based on the knowledge and understanding that results can diminish as quickly as they are attained. Overall, fitness has evolved, technology has improved, methods have changed, but one thing remains constant; consistent effort, balance and a willingness to learn is necessary for permanent positive change. Sticking to what works, what makes sense, while creating habits that can be maintained and improved over a lifetime has been our focus. We will not sell-out.  

"Sticking to what works,what makes sense..."

Through all we’ve seen, the CrossFit methodology has proven to be one of the most well rounded, fun, balanced, consistent, results and evidence-based programs. It also has evolved, only getting better with time.

"Help First"

"Help First", is how we begin and end each day. Every decision we make revolves around this mindset. We notice the little things, and relentlessly focus to provide the best experience and long term results. This is our life, our lifestyle, our passion!

“Butter-Fly Effect”

We are fortunate to do what we love and we give it 110% with the understanding that our desire to help people become the best version of themselves can potentially be life-changing within the walls of the gym and beyond. This falls in line with the “Butter-Fly Effect”the phenomenon whereby a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere. It is an amazing, and true principal. A small daily change in habits, thinking and energy can have a profound and limitless effect in your world, and into the "world" of those around you.  

The business of health, fitness, and wellness does not come easy. There are unforeseen challenges in an ever-changing marketplace and unlimited options for people to choose from. This creates a new and unique level of pressure to provide the best possible prescription for each and every member that walks through the doors of Aero Health and Fitness. Regardless of the challenges, we will not falter from our mission. We have a legacy to carry on! Challenge yourself to become the best version of you. We provide the tools, experience, and opportunity. We are the catalyst to change. Bring your energy and desire to achieve your greatest potential and we will provide the prescription.Steve & Dee

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